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I-BUK-I Bildungsförderung Indonesiens e.V

Education Funding for Indonesia

Donation for school projects on Lombok

In 2016, the non-profit association

“I-BUK-I” Education Promotion Indonesia eV

(“I=Isabelle’s- B=Educational Support- U=Environment- & K=Creativity-I=Indonesia”), which to this day is committed to sustainable projects at schools in West Lombok.

Under the motto: “The little you can do is a lot.” (Albert Schweitzer)

The association's headquarters are in Karlsruhe/Germany and are managed by Ms. Isabelle Eitmann (retired teacher). There are currently 25 members.

Over the last few years, she has traveled to Lombok several times to do volunteer work to promote education on Lombok.

The topics of the school projects are very diverse:

  • Art, tradition, culture of Lombok -> Proyek Anak-Anak Seni" (children draw, paint and create collages from spices and shells), "Little artists in a big way" (a stick puppet show), ... (SDN1 Sesela)

  • Environmental protection projects: “Upcycling” (children design plastic bottles), “Environmental Heroes” Part 1 Indonesian students actively fight against garbage, “Environmental Heroes” Part 2 – plastic waste in waters”,… (SDN1 Sesela)

  • Language support “English Club”: Playful language learning focused on active speaking in the middle school in Gunungsari (SMPN4)

The organizer also tries to improve the learning conditions of children in primary schools by:

  • Purchase of school furniture

  • Renovation of sanitary facilities in schools

  • Improving the indoor climate for students/teachers by installing window grilles (instead of glass windows),…

As a good friend of Isabelle, I support her ideas, projects and activities at the schools.

Will you help too? Join in and support the association!

With a small donation you will help ensure that the school projects can be successfully organized, financed and carried out in the coming years.

Together we are strong/super! /We're sorry, but/ is this true?

Thank you in advance for your support!/

There are many ways to banish hatred!

Links to the association and fundraising for the school projects:

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Our guides speak German, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Russia, Japanese, Korean

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